Dr Uma Purushothaman
Uma Purushothaman is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of International Relations and Politics at the School of Global Studies, Central University of Kerala, and was formerly a Research Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, and a Research Associate at the United Service Institution of India. She holds a PhD in International Studies at the Centre for Canadian, US and Latin American Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University. Besides authoring numerous book chapters, she edited the book, ‘Globalisation and Identity: Perspectives from India and Russia’ for ORF, New Delhi and co-authored, ‘Trends in Russia-China Relations: Implications for India’, also for ORF. With a focus on politics, foreign policy, and security, her research articles have been published in journals such as India Quarterly, International Studies, Journal of Peace Studies and Strategic Analysis.
COVID-19 Second Wave | Challenges to India’s global reputation: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/opinion/covid-19-second-wave-challenges-to-indias-global-reputation-6852231.html
Israel-Palestine Conflict | The world reacts with predictable indifference: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/opinion/israel-palestine-conflict-the-world-reacts-with-predictable-indifference-6922401.html
Why RIC is as important to India as JAI and BRICS: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/why-ric-is-as-important-to-india-as-jai-and-brics-46213/