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Lieutenant General Raj Shukla

Lieutenant General Raj Shukla has seen extensive service in the field - he commanded a Medium
Regiment in the Eastern / Desert Theatres, an Infantry Brigade in Counter
Insurgency Operations, an Infantry Division along the Line of Control in the
Kashmir Valley and a Pivot Corps along the Western Borders. An alumni of the Defence Services Staff College - Wellington, the
College of Defence Management - Secunderabad and the National
Defence College - New Delhi, the General Officer has served two tenures
at the Military Operations Directorate dealing with Doctrines / Force
Structuring and was the Director General, Perspective Planning,
addressing issues relating to Military Futures and Force Modernisation. He
has also been Commandant of the Indian Army’s prestigious training
establishment and think tank - the Army War College. The General officer has participated in 11 th Indo-Pacific Armies Chiefs
Conference -XI(IPACC-XI) at Bangkok, Thailand, and is a keen watcher of
the Indo-Pacific. A professional aviator, General Shukla has an abiding interest in strategic – military affairs. He has authored close to 50 articles / publications and lectured / participated in more than 150 talks / seminars in
India and abroad. As the 22 nd General Officer Commanding- In-Chief of the Indian Army’s
Training Command (ARTRAC) the officer made noteworthy contributions
to India’s Strategic - Military Futures, Technological Innovation, Professional Military Education and Capacity Building.

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